WhatsApp, which is owned by Facebook, has been constantly releasing new updates, especially to say that the new features that the company is bringing are very useful to the people.
Accordingly, WhatsApp has introduced a brand new update called Vacation Mode. This new update is currently being tested by beta users. It has been reported that this will be available for use on all Android users.
What makes this new update special is that it can also mute archived chats. Until recently, WhatsApp did not have this option. But WhatsApp, which announced last year that it would bring this option, put it on hold for some reason. In this case it has again developed the vacation mode option. It has since been reported that it will come into use soon.
It is also worth noting that WhatsApp is testing a new update that allows its customers to keep separate wallpaper for each shot.
The company plans to introduce a new wallpaper update to all users soon, which is currently being tested in the WhatsApp beta application so that users can keep the wallpaper separate for each of their individual chats. You can then change the photos in the gallery individually.
It is worth noting that the company continues to produce advanced surge options, storage usage improvements, new stickers, animations and new icons.
It has also been reported that each shot can be kept separate, whether it is Dark Mode or Light Mode. The company also recently released a new Advanced Search Mode feature for Android users.
With the help of this Advanced Search Mode feature, users can easily search for chat, photos, gifs, audio, documents, etc. on WhatsApp. Although this feature is only released to beta users. But it is worth noting that this feature was available to iOS mobile users a month ago.
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