No online classes in Tamil Nadu: Taught through TV: Senkottaiyan!

Corona, which began to spread from Wuhan Province, China. It has spread to 212 countries around the world. The incidence of corona virus is increasing in India. Various measures have been taken by the central state governments to control the corona.

Curfew is one of the main curfews in curbing coronation. Thus, entry and exit restrictions have been imposed in various states.
à®®ூலம் வகுப்பு நடத்தப்படாது
According to the information that has come out at present, classes will not be conducted online in Tamil Nadu and the curriculum will be taught only through TV, said Minister Senkottayan.
எடப்பாடி பழனிசாà®®ி தொடங்கி
It has been reported that online classes, especially for government school students, will not be conducted and the curriculum will be taught through TV. Minister Senkottayan also said that steps are being taken to broadcast one channel for each syllabus on 5 televisions.
à®®ூலம் வகுப்பு நடத்தப்படாது எ
Earlier, it was reported that Chief Minister Edappadi Palanisamy would launch an online class for government school students on the 13th, but the question arose as to whether all students would have the infrastructure, including smartphone internet, to access online classes.
வகையில் பேசியுள்ள
Explaining this, Minister Senkottayan said that classes in Tamil Nadu will not be conducted online and the curriculum will be taught through TV.
The curtailment of the 4-month curfew to prevent coronavirus has been the most damaging of students and academia. No one can say for sure when the schools will be opened. Moreover, the most vulnerable sector is the Department of Education, which cannot announce when the final exams will take place in higher education.
ஆன்லைன் à®®ூல
In this situation, classes will not be conducted online in Tamil Nadu and the curriculum will be taught only through TV, said Minister Senkottayan. He told reporters that the class will not be conducted online in Tamil Nadu. He said that the curriculum will be taught through the source.
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